Quick line jumps
put this autoload in your nvim autoload
and paste stuffs like
" map a motion and its reverse motion:
:noremap <expr> h repmo#SelfKey('h', 'l')|sunmap h
:noremap <expr> l repmo#SelfKey('l', 'h')|sunmap l
" if you like `:noremap j gj', you can keep that:
:map <expr> j repmo#Key('gj', 'gk')|sunmap j
:map <expr> k repmo#Key('gk', 'gj')|sunmap k
" repeat the last [count]motion or the last zap-key:
:map <expr> ; repmo#LastKey(';')|sunmap ;
:map <expr> , repmo#LastRevKey(',')|sunmap ,
" add these mappings when repeating with `;' or `,':
:noremap <expr> f repmo#ZapKey('f')|sunmap f
:noremap <expr> F repmo#ZapKey('F')|sunmap F
:noremap <expr> t repmo#ZapKey('t')|sunmap t
:noremap <expr> T repmo#ZapKey('T')|sunmap T
" 只记忆 count jumps
:let g:repmo_require_count = 1
in your init.vim.
It will remember 5j, not one of hjkl.
just kidding, although https://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2174 says so, it doesn't seem to work now.